
Our lab has developed and been offering the following classes. These courses cover a range of topics in information security, operating systems, and smart contracts.

11004497(Under): Creative Fundamental Engineering Design

The course covers engineering design methodology and system design using Arduino.

Course website: on-campus

Course Teacher: Jaeho Kim

11004204(Under): Introduction to Computer Programming PBL

This course covers C language grammar and trains students to solve given problems through computer programming.

Course website: on-campus

Course Teacher: Jaeho kimĀ 

USG(Under): System Programming

In this course, we learn tools and APIs necessary to program efficient application in Linux environment.

Course website: on-campus

Course Teacher:

11004206(Under): Data Structures and Algorithms PBL

In this course, we learn widely used data structures and algorithms needed to design good software.

Course website: on-campus

Course Teacher: Jaeho Kim

(Graduate): Operating System

This course reviews OS concepts and improves understanding of OS through some programming practice.

Course website: on-campus

Course Teacher: